International Coastal Cleanup | 2006
Only 4 person liked the idea , agreed to join in that program , cause cleaning our coast was quite an unorthodox invitation to all , I requested , placed my logic , No , dint get more than that four.
ICC is internationally organized all over world each and every year by The Ocean Conservancy. This event chinch the title of world’s largest and oldest voluntary activity where people will come , gather and try to collect marine debris around the shore. This is the concept of this day. This one day event may not be able to clean whole year’s debris from the coast and more apparently the volunteers are not trying to do that . A day at the beach can make a world of difference – believe in that way , if we start it now , for a day , can create that awareness for the whole year!
This time around 100 peoples , it was 2006. There were more to join but month of September is the
month of natural disaster for Bangladesh . Almost each and every year our shore line inhabitants face this calamity. Sea was rough; all fishing boats are requested to return to safe places, beach goers were not allowed to jump into the sea. That was the fact of last year’s scenario. Still volunteers from Dhaka joined with local peoples and collected number of 40 different types of debris. Due to bad weather we could collect all most 20000 number of marine debris from our shore line (ICC published Annual report 2006 Bangladesh chapter).